Saturday, April 28, 2018

Book Review: 2001 A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke

The most interesting thing about adaptions, I think, is how they compare to their source material. Adaption can be anything from an attempt at replication (anime adaptions tend to be almost shot-for-shot recreations of the manga they pull from), to creating something almost completely new (the Marvel Cinematic Universe takes the names of its Avengers events from the comics, but they are only loosely related to the plots therein; a more extreme example would be something like the original Full Metal Alchemist, which might as well be a whole new new show by its conclusion). In any case, I love being able to watch something and getting a sense of what choices were made in its creation: Why did they move this character here? Why did they cut out this scene? Why did they add this plot point? The mechanics of storytelling can sometimes be as interesting as the stories themselves, and dissecting them is as much fun as watching them play out.

I was excited to learn then, upon reading its forward, that 2001: A Space Odyssey is not the source material for the movie, nor is the movie the source for the book. The script and book were written concurrently--the story was a collaboration between Stanley Kubric and Arthur C. Clarke, based upon a short story Clarke had written much earlier in his career. The book released several months after the movie hit theaters, and the most notable thing, I think, is how it is at once identical to the movie in plot, structure, and tone, yet still compelling for its own sake.

If you have seen the movie, you know what happens. The monolith lands on Earth. It gives apes knowledge. Man reaches the moon, and discovers a second one that sends a signal to Saturn (in the movie it was aimed at Jupiter, one of the few big differences). A space ship is sent out. Hal 9000 becomes murderous. David Bowman reaches the final monolith ('The Star Gate'), and after traversing an unfathomable distance becomes something quite more than human. However, while 2001 the movie has an almost overwhelming sense of awe and mystery, the book's purpose is to explain. This is partially a result of the medium--one can write about haunting Latin chanting all day, but it will never convey a tenth of what is so unnerving about the film's Requiem--but Clarke's style suits the choice well. He does not focus on character: the ape we follow in the beginning is treated as little more than an animal, and the two men we see later feel very much the same. This is mostly because we simply do not spend much time with Heywood Floyd, the man who goes to investigate the monolith on the moon, and so we walk away with only an impression of who David was before he ascends with the aliens. We are told why things are happening in mostly explicit detail. We known the purpose of the monolith from the start. We get greater insight into the rational behind Hal's betrayal. We are told what happens to Dave in the end. There is little to interpret here, and even the ending has a clear purpose. The only thing left up to the imagination is the fate of humanity, and the fate of whatever David has become.

I could see people being disappointing with this; 2001: A Space Odyssey is so captivating precisely because it is vague. The movie works on a sensual level, and our interpretations make it more personal, more interesting to discuss. The novel is more of an intellectual curiously. We are drawn forward by what the answers might be, and then we get them. The movie is like a magic trick, and the novel is the magician, teaching us how it was done. However, even though the movie and book are nearly twins, that does not make them inseparable. If knowing how the trick works ruins it, then I would not recommend this book; but barring that, it makes a great companion to the movie, and stands up just fine on its own.

Clarke's writing is never too flowery or too technical; it is clear and precise. I don't really have much to say about it. It is the kind of effective you do not notice--like good special effects in a movie. We experience wonder with our characters, and tension in tense situations. I could find a few things to nit-pick if I gave it another go through, I'm sure, but it is good writing. I have no complaints. I'm glad I read it.

If you liked the movie and want more answers at the expense of some of the awe, then definitely pick it up. If you want solid, classic sci-fi, I would recommend it. A good book.

2001: A Space Odyssey is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

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