Sunday, July 5, 2020

Commentary: The Last of Us Part II

Although I haven't played the game (I watched someone's livestream), I wanted to share my thoughts on the story in The Last of Us Part II, as I loved the first game and I think the second has a lot going on worthy of analysis.

I think TLoU2 is a good game, but has many flaws and deeply unfitting ending. In fact, I think the ending is so bad it makes the entire game worse as a result, and I want to talk about why. These first few paragraphs will be mostly summary of both TLoU and TLoU2, so if you're familiar with both, you can skim a bit if you wish.

For those who don't know, The Last of Us is a video game, released in 2013, set in a post-apocalyptic world where a fungal infection has turned most of the population into mindless zombies (or 'infected' as the game calls them). As with all good zombie fiction, the story is not about the zombies, but how people react to them and each other. The player follows the journey of Joel Miller, a man who lost his teenage daughter on the even of the outbreak--not to infection, but to the bullets of a desperate and paranoid military. The first game picks up twenty years later, when Joel has become a brutal man and is a gang enforcer/muscle-for-hire type. It is then that he meets Ellie, a teenage girl who is revealed to be immune to the infection. Joel wants nothing to do with her at first, but after his partner dies in an effort to help Ellie he is convinced to look after her and escort her across the country to the Fireflies--a group who claims they will be able to use Ellie to generate a vaccine for the infection.

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